Follow the money
Cool Tips for a Hot Planet

When I was seven, I came into some birthday money: $5! My parents helped me open a Canada Trust bank account with it. My goal: save to buy a pony.
I never did get the pony, but I did use my account to save for my education, a car, and eventually a house. During those years Canada Trust was taken over by TD bank, but my loyalty remained.
I never really thought about what the bank did with the money in my savings account. Thanks to the movie It’s a Wonderful Life, I learned from banker George Bailey “The money’s not there!” as he explained to customers their deposits are rolled into investments – not just hidden away in a vault.
As the world burns, where banks and pension funds direct our money is getting more scrutiny. And when you start paying attention, it doesn’t look pretty, at least for the climate conscious.
According to the recent fossil fuel finance report, Banking on Climate Chaos, Canada’s big five banks have been stoking the fires by financing oil, gas and coal expansion to the tune of $1.1 trillion since the Paris climate accord was signed in 2015. And top of the heap is RBC, which led the world in financing fossil fuels in 2022.
This money is by no means supporting the transition to clean energy. Earlier this year both Shell and BP walked back pledges to shrink oil production and shift to renewables. Chevron and Exxon plan on increasing production of oil and gas, products the UN secretary general calls “incompatible with human survival.” Recently, the new CEO of Suncor, Canada’s second largest energy company, recommitted to oil sands production, saying “We are in the business to make money, and as much of it as possible.”
Alarmed by such news, many climate-concerned investors have been pulling their money out of the oil and gas sector. Financial advisors might be reluctant to support that, especially when the fossil fuel industry is raking in mega profits, but times are changing. The head of the International Energy Agency says the writing is on the wall. Energy conservation and the transition to electric cars and new green technology means we will likely see peak oil by 2030. It’s all downhill from there.
Tim Nash, owner of Good Investing, suggests we can direct our money to do less harm by transferring at least some of it from a bank to a credit union. Credit unions tend to invest in the local economy, not in large corporations. Check out your bank’s record at
Those with pensions can join Shift Action, which is pushing the big pension funds to adopt more sustainable investment policies.
We can also call out our Canada Pension Plan. Its investment board owns an oil company that recently announced plans to spend $6.2 billion to increase oil production by 60 per cent. Tell them you are not amused.
And contact your MP to urge support for the Climate Aligned Finance Act, currently under study in the Senate. It would ensure that banks and pension funds set and deliver on credible climate plans.
Since we can’t rely on oil and gas companies to voluntarily wind down production, our banks need to pony up and invest our money in a cleaner, safer future.
‘as the world burns’ —– lolol where is the world burning ? Gotta love the fear mongering language from the extremists ! Yes, big oil makes alot of money. Thank goodness they do, because without oil and gas, we, in the cold countries, live miserable lives and die slow horrible deaths, like so many people, living in impoverished countries, do. All you brave activists should live without oil and gas this winter (it’ll be quite warm outside because you know, global warming and all ) I would love to read your column in the spring, to see how it went but, lets face it, you wouldn’t make it that long.
Perhaps you missed the news on the unprecedented number of forest fires in every single province this summer.
Agree wholeheartedly with the above response. The oil industry is indeed taking steps for carbon capture & other measures to lower greenhouse gas emissions. B ut the reality is were Canada to achieve zero emissions, i it would make no difference unless the huge emitters (China,India, U,S., Russia to name a few) took serious action too. Continued virtue signalling by Canada is hardly noticeable on the world stage, & lets be realistic, wind turbines & solar panels are not currently the answer in our climate.
The author suggests we write to our MP. Our Conservative MP, Jamie Schmale, and his party are in bed with Oil and Gas. One of his staff will laugh, then send you a letter of platitudes… likely blaming Trudeau… while actively working to undermine any advances toward our environmental target, to keep his masters happy. Our Conservative MPP Laurie Scott is in a party so corrupt, we haven’t seen the bottom yet… but we know for a fact, they care nothing about climate change or the environment as evidenced by the Greenbelt Scandal.
Better to write Steven Guilbeault, Environment Minister. Here is his contact info.