First annual Scarecrow Festival coming to Omemee

By Kirk Winter

If Kelly Hiscock, Co-President of the Omemee Blooms Garden Club, has her way Omemee just might become the scarecrow capital of central Ontario over the next few weeks.

“In August, following a garden clean-up with volunteers in The Omemee and District Horticultual Society, a few of us went over to (Mickael’s) Bakery for lunch,” Hiscock said.

“We were discussing how disappointing the pandemic has been with the cancellation of so many festivals (and) community outings. We discussed the possibility of putting little scarecrows in the village planters to add a touch of fall colour and spruce them up,” Hiscock said.

From this initial discussion grew the idea for Omemee’s first annual Scarecrow Festival.

“This is not a competition,” Hiscock said, “but a fun way that businesses, residents and community members can come together while staying safely apart.”

“Everyone can participate by building or displaying a scarecrow in their yard or window by Sept. 26,” Hiscock said.

Once the scarecrows are in place Hiscock hopes that people from all over will come to the village to take in the display of scarecrows.

She is also creating a bingo type of activity that spectators will be able to print off from a designated website so that scarecrow aficionados will be able to go on a kind of scavenger hunt throughout the community.

Hiscock is pleased that the community has embraced the project and that scarecrows are already beginning to pop up all around Omemee.

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