Fenelon Falls Tennis Club a pandemic-friendly sports option
With a new rink, a curling club, nearby golf courses, a popular multi-use trail and every kind of aquatic-based recreation known to humans at their doorstep, Fenelon Falls residents have many ways to spend their leisure time. That might explain why, through no fault of its own, the Fenelon Falls Tennis Club flies under the recreational radar.
Ham Keillor-Faulkner says when he tells locals he is president of the club they are often surprised — as in surprised there is a tennis club in town. Keillor-Faulkner says with their newly resurfaced courts, and a reasonable membership price, the club offers excellent value for anyone looking for COVID-compliant exercise.
Tucked away at the end of Eva Street and adjacent to the southwest corner of the Fenelon Falls Secondary School track and football field, the tennis club is easy to miss. In fact, it is easy to go to the community centre and never see the courts, even though they are just a couple of hundred metres away.
The club is on Trillium Lakeland District School Board property. Built 42 years ago, it exists due to a unique partnership where the board pays taxes and the water bill (the water supply for the football field is under the clubhouse), and the tennis club takes care of the power bill and building maintenance.
The cooperation extends to court time as well, with students using the courts as part of their healthy active living classes, and for tennis team practices.
Even if the organization does keep a low profile, 102 people still call the club home. Membership is split almost equally between seasonal and permanent residents, and it is not unheard of for boaters cruising the Trent Severn Waterway to contact the club during the planning stages of their trip to arrange court time.
Sound financial management over the years allowed the club to pay cash for court resurfacing two seasons ago, made all the more impressive when given that membership fees are just $100 for a whole season. The club also has an on-site tennis pro who teaches everyone from kids to seniors. The instructor also holds a summer camp. Tournaments run throughout the May-to-November playing season, and clinics are held each Sunday.
Juniper Isle resident Sal Zagorski has been a member since 2010. He says the courts are in great shape, and is a big fan of the lights that allow night play.
“All the pros that have worked for the club are very well qualified, but what makes the club are the members…a great, friendly group. I have played in clubs in Toronto as well as Florida and this club may be smaller in membership, but it’s a lot more personal and friendlier,” says Zagorski.
The social traditions of the sport are not forgotten in a normal year either, with open houses and barbecues running alongside men’s, women’s, and mixed league play. Drop-ins are welcomed too.
To learn more, visit fenelonfallstennisclub.com. Fill in the membership form and pay online. Or contact Ham at