Fenelon Falls High gets theatrical with upgrade of new AV equipment
The Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit is excited about their upcoming movie screening this month at “Films by the Falls”. The movie “Puzzle” will be the first screening on the new big screen at Fenelon Falls Secondary School.
KLFC chair Colleen Jenkinson recently announced that the Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit has made a generous donation of new audio visual equipment to the school. A new large format projection screen and wall-mounted speaker system will be installed in the FFSS gym at the end of this month, just a few days before the next Films by the Falls event being held on Tuesday Jan. 29.
“The KLFC committee is very excited to have been able to donate a “big screen” to the school. We are grateful that the faculty and students at Fenelon Falls Secondary School have partnered with us on our film series for the past five years and wanted to show our support back to them, at the same time giving a gift of a better theatrical experience to our Films by the Falls audience.”
Since the inception of the film series “Films by the Falls” in 2014, the community of Fenelon Falls and area have generously supported the local film circuit allowing them to bring Canadian and International films to the City of Kawartha Lakes as a member of the Toronto International Film Circuit (TIFF Film Circuit). Each year local businesses have sponsored the film series and donations have been sent in from individual movie-lovers in the community to keep the movies coming to the Fenelon Falls area.
“We have spent our money wisely and are happy to be able to share back to the community to make the movie-going experience in Fenelon Falls even better. My hope is that with this new equipment being accessible located in the school, it will encourage more community filmmakers of all ages to have a place where they can show off their art, film and music projects. Last year,we started a pre-show program, inviting local filmmakers to submit their “own movies” which are screened in advance of our feature presentation,” Jenkinson explained. “The FFSS gym is a multi-use facility, and we felt the school and Fenelon Falls community would benefit from having this modern technology.”
The new projection screen will be mounted above the stage in the school gym and is remote-controlled so it will be much easier to hide away when it isn’t being used. New wall-mounted speakers will be installed, which will replace the large speaker stacks that the school has been using. Jenkinson explained that “Last year the film committee donated a new sound board to the school, the next logical component to add was a new speaker system to pump out the sound.”
Ray Este, principal at FFSS says “The schools’ partnership with Films By The Falls has been beneficial for the school and the community. This latest equipment donation will enhance experiences for our students, staff and caregivers for many years to come taking place in the hub of the school. Graduation ceremonies, theatrical and musical productions, dances, assemblies, guest speakers; the list could go on and on.”
The Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit committee invites the entire community to come out and enjoy the new theatre-style experience at Films by the Falls on Tuesday Jan. 29 for the official donation ceremony, some popcorn and to watch a great film, Puzzle. For more information about the feature presentation and Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit, please visit www.filmsbythefalls.com, or the Films by the Falls Facebook site. Tickets are available at the FFSS box-office (gym door) at a cost of $10 each on the evening of the screening, Tuesday, Jan. 29. Doors open for the event at 6:30 pm with the official donation presentation beginning at 7:30 pm, followed by our feature film screening of Puzzle. Fenelon Falls Secondary School is located at 66 Lindsay St. in Fenelon Falls, Ontario.
Fenelon Falls Secondary School was founded in 1827. As of 2008, it has about 1,000 students and 90 teachers and support staff. It is a member of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board. Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit was formed in 2013 by a group of volunteers who share their passion for movies by bringing local residents the opportunity to enjoy films in their hometown. They are the curating team behind Films by the Falls, a film series that is a member of the TIFF Film Circuit. Toronto International Film Festival Film Circuit is a successful outreach program with over 170 locations in over 150 communities including the Kawartha Lakes, Film Circuit provides filmgoers an opportunity to see films that may not otherwise be available in their region.