Dragon Flies ‘pay it forward’ with gift for 3D mammography unit

Fifteen years ago, the Dragon Flies Breast Cancer Survivor Group was formed to raise awareness about breast cancer, to share a spirit of positive energy following a breast cancer diagnosis, and to encourage women or men living with breast cancer to lead full and active lives.
Since then, they have supported each other through good times and bad, and they have supported their communities by ‘paying it forward.’
Each year, the group’s fundraising activities have been directed to breast health programs at local hospitals.
The Dragon Flies returned to the Ross Memorial Hospital recently to make a $25,000 donation toward the purchase of a 3D digital mammography unit.
Three-dimensional imaging helps physicians to view the breast in thin sections, enabling them to detect small cancers sooner and can pinpoint the exact size and location of a breast lesion. This new technology provides better visualization of dense breast tissue, and decreases the need to call patients back to get more images, which leads to further waiting and worry.
“This gift for the 3D mammography unit is just one example of how the Dragon Flies commitment to local breast health care has helped to strengthen the service here at the Ross,” said Erin Coons, RMH Foundation Executive Director.
“Since they came together, their members have been interested in the Hospital’s breast imaging technology needs and have looked for opportunities to help our patients. With this gift, their contributions to the RMH Foundation over the past 15 years has reached $370,328.72,” Coons says.
“Their passion for this cause is truly inspirational.”