Council adopts new committee structure, terms of reference and appointees

By Lindsay Advocate

At the December 11 Council meeting, Council adopted the new Terms of Reference for Committees of Council and Boards. The size and composition of Committees has been adjusted to ensure an optimum balance of Council members, and public members for the mandate of each Committee. Appointees of Council and committee members were recommended in closed session and then announced in open session.

As per Council’s direction in July, regular monthly Committee of the Whole meetings are scheduled beginning in 2019. The intent of the new format of Council meetings is to allow staff to bring forward topics that require more discussion, debate or background information. It will also allow a less formal setting for members of the public to participate. There will be opportunity on the agenda for deputations, award presentations or other ceremonies.

Committee of the Whole meetings will replace the Special Information Council meetings that used to take place periodically as needed. From time to time, these meetings may be held in the evening or in other locations throughout the municipality. For a list of meeting dates, please visit the Council and Committee Calendar on the City’s website in early January. Subscribing to a particular committee or type of Council meeting will allow automatic updates to be emailed to you should a meeting be cancelled or changed. Visit to subscribe.

A complete listing of all proposed Legislated and Non-Legislated Committees and Boards of Council is available on the municipality’s website under Appendix A of the Committee Update and Terms of Reference report. Minor changes were made to the size and composition of some Committees at the request of Council.

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