City working to provide emergency child care

The Human Services Department is working with local licensed child care operators to provide emergency child care, free of charge, for more than 20 children between the ages of birth and 12 years old.
The licensed child care centre is operated by Compass Early Learning and Care in Lindsay. There may also be additional spaces provided through Wee Watch Home Child Care, a licensed home child care agency.
The Province of Ontario has outlined that this service is to be made available to essential front line workers. To be eligible, the family must have no other option for child care.
Keeping with the province’s direction on group sizes, the number of spaces available is limited for health and safety considerations. There will be a maximum of six children and two care providers in each room and no more than 50 people, including children, staff and parents, in a building at any one time.
Children’s Services is now accepting applications for emergency child care and the licensed centre will start providing child care on May 14, 2020.
To apply for emergency child care, contact Children’s Services at 705-324-9870, toll free at 1-877-324-9870 and press “7” or at CKLhumanservices@
Please leave a phone number where you can be for staff to follow-up.