City strategic plan gets pushback from council
The draft Kawartha Lakes strategic plan for 2023-2027, presented by CAO Ron Taylor and Manager of Strategy and Innovation Brenda Stonehouse, was shared with council asking for additional feedback before the document is to be voted on at the next meeting on Jan. 30.
The strategic plan, called by Councillor Ron Ashmore “the constitution of Kawartha Lakes for the next four years,” received an unexpectedly rough ride from many on council. Four councillors questioned sections of the plan, asking for changes and inclusions to be made to the draft, and three of those went further requesting that more public consultation be heard before the final copy comes back to council for approval.
“This draft plan spells out council’s strategic priorities,” Taylor said. “We want to refresh and update the previous strategic plan, including next steps. This document is extremely important. We want to build from the past and build on those successes.”
Taylor said the draft strategic plan is a “small but mighty” document that clearly explains where the community wants to go and how council can assist in moving those priorities forward.
He said the content in the document was gathered through meetings with staff, council and the public using the Jump In platform where 476 citizens shared insights on the direction the city should be taking and how goals should be achieved between now and 2027.
Stonehouse told council that six key themes were heard time and again via the Jump In platform and believes these concerns were well reflected in the draft plan. They include the need for more affordable housing, the need for sustainable and environmentally conscious development, improved health care, education and services as the city grows, amenities such as outdoor spaces, community events and recreation facilities expanding to meet the needs of a growing population, better roads, more active transport, transit and connections to GO Transit needed to support growth and business, and that the preservation of small town culture and heritage be a priority as the municipality moves forward with growth levels never seen in this part of Ontario.
Ashmore offered his critique of the document saying that many rural communities feel “like they have been left out regarding rural transit” and that there needs to be much more emphasis in the strategic plan on connections with GO Transit which currently does not serve Kawartha Lakes.
“I believe we have included that in the plan,” Stonehouse responded. “It is certainly a part of the Transportation Masterplan which is guided by the municipal strategic plan.”
Ashmore also worried that with less than two weeks left before a scheduled vote at council, additional public meetings on the plan would be difficult to make happen. The councillor favoured putting off the vote on the draft plan until all of council’s concerns are addressed.
Councillor Pat Warren wanted to know what kind of measurement tools staff would be using to determine the plans success or failure and was told by Stonehouse that the city would have those metrics in place by later in 2024.
Warren asked directly if environmental responsibility could be made a guiding principle in the strategic plan through which all city decisions will be considered.
Taylor responded that, “a healthy environment is front and centre in the document. I believe it is already a universal lens we use. The public feedback we received showed that the environment and affordable housing were top of mind for many in the community.”
Councillor Mike Perry was concerned that the only public consultation for the plan had been done via the Jump In platform.
“We, as a council, have said that (public consultation via) Jump In is not enough,” said Perry. The councillor added that council itself felt like a bit of “an echo chamber.”
Stonehouse told Perry that at this time there was no further plan for more public consultation “unless council wished.”
Perry was also concerned that the draft strategic plan looked too much like a business-as-usual plan and lacks the urgency regarding the growth going on in Kawartha Lakes.
Stonehouse thought otherwise, telling Perry, “The sense of urgency is present (in the document). This (plan) gives us the framework to move forward.”
Perry added that changes can still be made to the draft document before the next council meeting and that he wanted to see inclusion added as a core value for the municipality so that everyone understands what the city takes seriously.
“The language in the document needs to be amended,” Perry said.
Councillor Tracy Richardson asked Perry what kind of broad input he was looking for.
“I would like to see broad public meetings,” Perry responded. “Jump In is a good tool but it is not enough for the approval of a strategic plan.”
Councillor Eric Smeaton was pleased that all city committees and task forces were asked for input, but agreed with Perry that Jump In alone is insufficient to gather public input.
“I think we have a good document,” Smeaton said, “but we will need to have a conversation over the next couple of weeks.”
Ashmore spoke again suggesting that the plan “is 95 per cent there but we need to get it right. There needs to be more public input. Two weeks is a tight timeline for additions at the last minute. Can we have a little longer?”
Much more debate is expected at council next week when the draft plan, with potentially many additions and alterations, is re-presented to council for a final vote.
I agree with Councillor Perry that the plan, if this is it reads like a “business-as-usual” feel-good document, with an attractive presentation and nice-sounding generalities but very little detail.
The Jump-In format for collection of public opinion is good, in my view, as it collects significant qualitative data as well as quantitative data, but as a consumer, I am always left wondering who looks at the data and what is done with it as it appears to drop off into a no-feedback black hole. Are the results of the Jump-In surveys, including the recommendations made by individuals, ever shared anywhere with the public? If not, why not?
The biggest problem with Jump-In is, in my view, its accessibility. One must have an account, remember a password, and have the time, ability and patience to participate in what are often moderately lengthy surveys.
I agree with Councillor Perry that big, open, in-person public meetings could improve engagement between the City and the public and help Council get a feel for what the community wants. It is reassuring to see inclusivity mentioned in the values statement, but what does that mean? When paired with the City’s stated intention to increase digitization, which tends to be pretty impersonal and often without any appeal or help options, it could result in further alienation and isolation of marginalized individuals, groups, and organizations. The City should at least include a statement of intent about AI program restraint and limits bylaw development.
Real inclusivity – and the associated and resultant desired City unity and identity – will require diverse groups sitting down together, civilly discussing differences, trying to understand, appreciate, and respect the other, and working together for the common good. Building a cohesive community will benefit immensely from regular big public gatherings – a City picnic in the summer and/or a Heritage Day celebration/festival in the winter.
In light of the many concerns raised by multiple councillors, I disagree with Councillor Ashmore that “the plan is ’95 percent there'”. It sounds like most councillors think the plan is nowhere near “there” and needs more public input.
From the article: “Stonehouse told Perry that at this time there was no further plan for more public consultation ‘unless council wished.’” So, why is Councillor Ashmore begging for “a little longer”? In light of the wish expressed by multiple councillors, why aren’t they building a consensus among them and passing a motion to extend the period for public consultation? In a world that is changing exponentially more rapidly than ever before, it is really important the freely elected official representatives of the residents of Kawartha Lakes take the time to get the strategic plan as right as humanly possible. They have the power; they should use it while they still have it.
We received the City of Kawartha Lakes Winter 2024 Update in our tax bill a few days ago. As suggested I decided ti go to the Jump In website as I was interested in reading the Kawartha Lakes Strategic Plan 2024-2027. I found it to read more like a mission statement than a “plan”…devoid of detail. Full of ‘hope’ and values but short on ‘action’!
I agree with Councilor Perry..sounds like “business as usual”.
Well said Ms. Abernethy
Why, thank you very much, Ms. Forgaard-Pullen.
The Draft Plan is a bunch of feel-good-BS that Justin Trudeau would be proud of.
Nothing about Roads, and how we are going to meet the real transportation need of a growing population.
A bunch of BS about recycling and wast diversion that will use more energy than it’s worth, but will appease a bunch of sheeple.
“Unless Council wishes”…4 of our 8 Councillors agree that there has not been sufficient consultation and input available for the public to make recommendations to the rather lightweight “business as usual” report. A strategic plan should detail – Who will do What by What Time with What Results. Instead, this report outlines broad aspirations, but no concrete steps, time lines or accountability markers to achieve it.
It was said that ALL committees and agencies had been consulted – I sit on 2 committees of Council and neither was asked. Particularly the Planning Advisory Committee when “Streamlining municipal approvals processes” was a repeatedly key need for growth.
Take some time to bring in serious community input. We will all gain through a more open, collaborative consultation. You said it. Do it.
Mike – what you describe is an Operational Plan and not a Strategic Plan.