City presents Sovereign’s Medal to CKL residents

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, announced that two residents of Kawartha Lakes, Verna Humphries and Henry McCabe, will receive the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.
As part of the Canadian Honours System, the medal recognizes exceptional volunteer achievements in a wide range of fields. Through significant and sustained efforts, recipients have made valuable contributions to bettering their communities in Canada or abroad.
The two residents were presented the medal during Council on September 25.
Verna Humphries was awarded the medal for her dedication to improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. Not only does she provide a sense of empowerment to those she works with, but her passion for education has resulted in an enhancement of their quality of life.
Henry McCabe was awarded the medal in recognition for his time and efforts to volunteer in organizations across Ontario. McCabe has mentored through the Canadian Forces, the Army Cadet League of Canada and through his work with York University’s Mentorship Council, has helped individuals with learning disabilities.
Mayor Andy Letham congratulated the recipients on behalf of the Governor General of Canada and acknowledged them for their extraordinary volunteer efforts.