City looking to landlords to help with homelessness

The municipality of Kawartha Lakes is looking to partner with landlords who own apartments in Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton to help end homelessness during COVID-19.
During the pandemic, the most vulnerable are at an even higher risk, says a press release, and the City is looking to landlords to help house homeless community members. There is a high demand for bachelor or one bedroom units.
As of April 15, between the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton there are close to 100 people who are actively homeless. The majority are single, and there are nearly 20 families and several seniors, youth and couples.
What the City of Kawartha Lakes and County of Haliburton will provide landlords:
- Funding to help prepare the unit for move-in
- Prioritized COVID-19 screening prior to move-in, daily screening post-move-in
- Tenant choice
- Last months rent guarantee
- Three months of pre-paid rent
- Ongoing tenant affordability – Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit, or another similar housing benefit going forward
- Landlord support contact through Affordable Housing Program Coordinator, who will regularly check-in to see how the tenancy is doing, and who can help find resources to maintain the tenancy if problems arise
- Tenants are prioritized to take the Rent Smart tenant education program later in 2020
The City and County’s goal is securing stable, permanent housing and to meet the needs of our landlord partners who provide the accommodations.
Supports are provided to both landlord and tenant so everyone can get ahead. Whether you have a vacant unit or have one coming available soon, find out more and complete our online form, please visit
For more information, please contact Elise Karklins – Affordable Housing Program Coordinator at