Letters to the Editor

Lindsay resident angry with ATV decision

I’m at a loss to understand how and why council voted last week to approve the route through Lindsay.

Sorry, not sorry

Your unsigned editorial in the September issue of the The Lindsay Advocate, entitled “We Need Mandatory Vaccinations for Youth in School” was an outrageous promotion of a practice that is, in fact, illegal in Canada.

Fair will be run safely, says GM, with full approval of public health

I would like to take this opportunity to address misinformation and rumours that are circulating in our community. The board of the Lindsay Agricultural Society carefully considered whether it was prudent to proceed with the 2021 Lindsay Exhibition.

Reader asks if having a fair is fair to public health?

With Ontario being very much still in a pandemic and a fourth wave being a threat to us why are we proceeding with a fair in Lindsay this year? There were several car shows, public events, and even the plowing match was canceled this year due to the pandemic so who made the reckless decision to proceed with the fair?

Lindsay resident has advice for NDP’s Singh

An open letter to Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal NDP.

Dear Mr. Singh, may I make a suggestion about your use of the words “fight for” and “fighting for” during your election campaign?

Put your name on a standby list for vaccine doses

Trevor’s Take hits nail on head

I just finished Trevor’s Take (August Advocate) and I will be smiling for a while — and it made my wife laugh.

He seems like a guy I could “support the local economy with” if he ever finds his way to Fenelon Falls or Coboconk.

Old Mill could be restaurant, art gallery, says reader

I just read with great interest the article in the June Advocate entitled ”The Art in Community” by Nancy Payne and would like to make a suggestion regarding the furthering of the arts in our community.