
Basic income in the age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace, raising concerns about job displacement and widening income inequality…. Continue reading “Basic income in the age of Artificial Intelligence”

Long live local news

Creative destruction. That’s what the Austrian-born economist, Joseph Schumpeter wrote about in the 1950s as a theory of economic innovation. That’s what our… Continue reading “Long live local news”

Wetlands focus needed

Ever since the province passed their not-so-poetically entitled More Homes Built Faster Act, it’s as if wetlands and conservation areas… Continue reading “Wetlands focus needed”

Council: The time to think about patios is now

When the Victoria Day holiday comes around in late May, we have a dream.

Get behind local

The people who bring you the Advocate each month couldn’t be more local.

Letham’s legacy

As Mayor Andy Letham finishes up his second and final term as mayor, it’s time to take stock of his years in the top municipal chair.  

All the city’s a stage

In the classic Lerner and Loewe play, Brigadoon, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas are two American hikers exploring the Scottish highlands.