Call for nominations for Accessibility Awareness Awards

By Lindsay Advocate

Do you know of an individual, community group, organization or business that has gone beyond expectations to promote accessibility within the City of Kawartha Lakes? If you do, please consider submitting a nomination for one of the City of Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Awareness Awards.

Council has endorsed eight award categories offering annual recognition for outstanding contributions in the promotion of a barrier free City of Kawartha Lakes.

The eight categories include: Business, Community Group, Educator, Adult, Youth, City Employee, Accessible Design and one of the highest merit, the Barbara McArthur Memorial Award of Distinction which was introduced in 2009 to recognize outstanding achievement on an ongoing basis.

Please submit your nominations no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 2, 2018.

Awards criteria and nomination forms are available at any of the Municipal Service Centres, the Clerk’s Department at City Hall, by calling (705) 324-9411 extension 1185 or online at City of Kawartha Lakes Accessibility.

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