Burn ban in effect for all of April

By Lindsay Advocate

Starting April 1, Kawartha Lakes will enforce the annual burn ban for the entire month of April. Residents will be notified when the ban is lifted.

“Each year in April, a burn ban is imposed as part of our open air burning bylaw. Even though there may be still be snow or warnings for localized flooding, dry grass and debris catch fire easily and the flames spread quickly,” said Fire Chief Mark Pankhurst. “The April burn ban helps reduce the risk to our residents and firefighters.”

Learn before you burn; under section 8.03 of by-law 2016-110, those setting a fire during a burn ban can be charged under the Provincial Offences Act and may also be responsible for the costs incurred for fire department response. The current fee is $488 +HST per vehicle, per hour.

The ban does not necessarily apply to those with Agricultural or Special Burn Permits as special conditions already apply to these permits. However, safe practices should be followed at all times for those authorized to burn. Learn more about how to apply for special burn permits by visiting Fire Services and scrolling down to “Application for Permits”.

Residents can check the status of the burn ban at the end of April by calling 1-888-822-2225 extension 8 or by visiting the Burn Ban, Permits and By-Laws page on our website.

“The ban may be continued past April if the conditions aren’t suitable for open air burning,” adds Chief Pankhurst. “Our first priority is keeping our residents and our environment safe.”

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