Big year for construction, including Lindsay’s downtown, new Logie Park

By Lindsay Advocate

MP Schmale says low taxes, private-sector jobs the answer, not basic income

This year is going to be another big year for construction and infrastructure repair for Lindsay. Below is a snapshot from the City of Kawartha Lakes of what to expect in the coming months:

Enbridge Gas Pipeline Replacement
In order to upgrade aging infrastructure located in downtown Lindsay, Enbridge will replace the natural gas pipelines on Kent Street West starting in late January 2020.

The project scope involves replacing approximately 1.1 kilometres of natural gas main infrastructure on both sides of Kent Street, beginning at Lindsay Street South and ending at Victoria Avenue. The project is expected to last approximately eight weeks.

Pending approval, Kent Street will close for the beginning portion of the work, from Lindsay Street to William Street. Staff have worked closely with both Enbridge and their construction crew to determine the most efficient way to complete their project in order ensure the timelines for the municipality’s Downtown Reconstruction project moves ahead as planned. For more details, visit the City website.

Downtown Lindsay Construction
Phase Two of the Downtown Reconstruction includes Kent Street, from Lindsay Street to William Street, and Lindsay Street, from Russell Street to Kent Street. Phase Two work will be constructed between February and November of 2020. Kent Street will close for the duration of the project, with a goal to complete all work on Kent Street by July 2020 to have the least amount of impact for businesses during the busier summer months. For more details, visit the project webpage for the City.

Colborne Street West Construction
Colborne Street West in Lindsay will undergo Phase One of reconstruction beginning in early spring 2020. The scope of the project will include replacements of water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and intersection improvements. Phase One will include reconstruction work from William Street North to Adelaide Street North. Stay tuned for more details on dates and timelines. For more information, visit the City’s website.

Logie Street Park
Expected to open near Canada Day 2020, the new reconstructed park will include a splash pad, several play structures, a zip line, an outdoor skating track, upgraded trails and the return of the lilac gardens. For more information, visit the City’s Major Projects page.

Transit stops
Transit shelters and stops will go through lifecycle replacement and upgrades for accessibility throughout 2020, in accordance with our Transit Master Plan.

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