Beat the heat: Splash pad hours extended at Boys and Girls Club

The Splash Pad at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes (BGCKL) will now be open seven days a week from 10 am – 6:30 pm thanks to funding received from the CIBC Children’s Foundation and CIBC Lindsay.
“We are grateful for the additional support from CIBC Children’s Foundation and CIBC Lindsay which will now enable us to offer more access to the Splash Pad for the community,” says Executive Director Amy Terrill.
“Kids and families have been enjoying the splash pad each and every hour it’s been open, and our summer camps and licensed childcare have also had fun cooling off. With this additional funding, we can extend the hours so that families can enjoy it into the evenings and every Sunday as well.”
The Splash Pad, built with funding from Lindsay C.H.E.S.T. Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation and Boston Pizza Lindsay, opened on Tuesday June 25 with operating support from Boston Pizza Lindsay which allowed BGCKL to offer extended hours including Saturdays and long weekends.
However, the Club was unable to cover the additional operating costs outside of Club hours in order to operate the Splash Pad in the evenings and on Sundays. “We’ve witnessed how much the public is enjoying the Splash Pad at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes on these hot summer days and so it makes all of us at CIBC Lindsay really
happy to help make the Splash Pad more widely available to the community,” says Mario Mazziotti, Community General Manager, Lindsay CIBC.
In inviting the public to use the Splash Pad, the Boys and Girls Club also reminds people that,
they’ll be sharing the Splash Pad with Club programs weekdays from 10 – 5 pm;
Splash Pad rules are posted on the bulletin board;
Dogs should be left at home;
The Club is a non-smoking site;
There is one portable toilet on the property and one across the street at George Street park;
Shade umbrellas are recommended as shade is limited on the property.
The new hours will begin immediately and operate until September 2, 2019 after which hours
will be posted.