2020/2021 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo is moving forward

Directors and staff of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association (OPA) are proud to announce that they will be moving forward with plans for the 2020/2021 International Plowing Match (IPM) and Rural Expo.
OPA looks forward to welcoming visitors to the City of Kawartha Lakes from Oct. 13-16. The IPM will be hosted at the Lindsay Exhibition and neighbouring farms.
With COVID-19 restrictions in mind, the organizers will be simultaneously planning both a traditional IPM and a re-envisioned IPM. Alternate designs with additional health protocols for both the “Tented City” and the RV park are being developed.
Traditional IPM features such as the Bank of Montreal Plowing Competition and Queen of the Furrow Competition may look different this year but the OPA assures the events will be just as exciting as years past.
“Our provincial and local volunteers will be ramping up their committee planning with conference calls and video calls,” says Don Priest, vice-president of the OPA. “We really look forward to the in-person committee and community meetings that we will be held just as soon as the provincial health situation allows.”
As part of their commitment to the community, and through the generosity of the Celebrate Ontario grant program, the OPA was pleased to partner with the Lindsay Agricultural Society to present the Merry and Bright Festival. The IPM display highlighted some of the features you will be able to see in-person at the 2020/2021 IPM and Rural Expo.
For further information and updates click here.