100 Kids Who Care launches Kindness Cards campaign for local seniors

By Lindsay Advocate

Two children posing with a woman as they deliver her a card

This holiday season, 100 Kids Who Care is rallying all children in the Kawartha Lakes to join them in making cards for seniors to remind them they are not alone.

The premise of the Kindness Card campaign, which kicked off on Nov. 1, is simple: kids make holiday cards for seniors in exchange for community donations.

100 Kids Who Care has chosen to work with the Community Care Foundation in support of Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes’ Meals on Wheels program. Meals on Wheels ensures the nutritional needs of seniors living alone are met, while also providing social interaction and a safety check from the volunteers who make the deliveries.

“We are so excited to partner with 100 Kids Who Care during this difficult period for so many of our clients, many of whom are unable to see their families due to the high risk nature of COVID-19,” says Ryan Alexander, director of community support services at Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes. “These Kindness Cards from children are a small but powerful way to brighten a senior’s day and hopefully make them feel less lonely during the holidays.”

How it works:

From Nov. 1 – Dec. 15, any child that wants to participate is encouraged to make Kindness Cards for seniors during the holidays. Cards can take any shape or form, and can include season’s greetings and well wishes to seniors. Kids are being asked to make a minimum of 2 cards each. For smaller children or kids who prefer not to make their own cards, colouring pages will be available to download at 100kidskawarthalakes.com.

Cards can be dropped off at participating locations (see below) any time before Dec. 15. At the drop off location, large envelopes will be provided for each child to place their Kindness Cards, and contact information forms will be available so that kids can be entered into the draw to win prizes.

Beginning on Nov. 1st, the public can donate to Meals on Wheels campaign to support the Kindness Cards campaign online through the Canada Helps page. Donation forms will also be available at participating locations (see below) for any cash or cheque donations. You can also drop off donations at the Community Care Foundation (152 Angeline St. North, Lindsay) or call the Foundation at 705-324-7323 ext. 164 to make a donation over the telephone.

Participating Locations:

Fresh Fuell (146 Kent St West – Lindsay) Mon-Fri 8-4, Sat 9-2

Tradewind Toys (110 Kent St West – Lindsay) Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-2

All Kindness Cards will be delivered safely to seniors through the Meals on Wheels program before Dec. 25.

For questions about the campaign email .

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